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ArtRage: Draw, Paint, Create
ArtRage for Android is a realistic paintingand drawing app that includes all the most useful tools from ourdesktop edition. Along with a full range of awesome, easy to use,drawing tools like the oil brush, inking pen and glitter, itincludes a full range of the most important digital art features,like Layers, Fill Tool, Layer Blend Modes, the ability to addReference and Tracing images while you draw, and of course, ourincredibly fun color mixing. All the tools act like real paint,pencil or chalk, and interact in different ways with each other andthe canvas texture.You can also tweak a wide range of real-world settings, likethinners, pressure and loading, smooth out your sketches and inkedlines with our auto-smoothing ink pen and pencil, go crazy withmulticolored, metallic glitter, or mimic thick impasto effects withthe paint tube and palette knife. The app includes a range ofdefault presets for every tool, and you can easily create your ownspecialized custom presets.Paintings are fully compatible with desktop versions of ArtRage,and can be exported as PNG and JPG images. You can import photos aspaint layers, reference images or tracing images. Record yourpaintings as Script files for playback at larger resolutions in ourdesktop softwareArtRage for Android comes with the intuitive, familiar ArtRageinterface, reliable tech support, and full in-app support forpressure and tilt in the S Pen. Your ArtRage files can be easilytransferred to the desktop to finish in any desktop edition ofArtRage. We’re proud of our painting programs and place a highpriority on user feedback and stable, bug-free apps that let youcreate the art you want without having to fight with menus,complicated brush settings and obscure terminology to getthere.Want to try out the oils first? Try our free app! Brush, Watercolor, Airbrush, Palette Knife, Paint Roller, PaintTube, Ink Pen, Pencil, Felt Pen, Wax/Chalk Pastel, Eraser, FloodFill, Glitter Tube, Gloop Pen.Each tool has a range of settings that reflect familiar propertiessuch as paint thinners or pencil tip softness. Tools apply textureas well as color, and blend under the brush.Add unlimited Layers to your painting, adjust visibility andopacity, rearrange and merge. ArtRage also supports a full range ofPhotoshop Layer Blend Modes.Interface:Designed for compact operation at different resolutions and screenorientations. The interface has been designed to maximize yourcreative space without hiding away critical functions such as tooland color selection. As you paint, it gets out of the way so thatyou don’t have to stop and manually adjust panels. With support forMulti-Touch gestures for canvas manipulation, Undo/Redo, and BrushSize, important shortcuts are available without needing menus. Alsosupports Stylus-only mode to avoid accidental fingerpainting.Help & Support:Includes a built in manual. Free product support available via ourForums or by email to our support team. Please contact us if youencounter any issues.Forums: http://forums.artrage.comSupport: for Android requires access to storage, camera, and mediaon your device in order to load, open, export, and import resourcesfor ArtRage. It requires network and licence connections for theGoogle Play licencing and PEN.UP.ArtRage can be used offline. If you are having licenceproblems, see: to Bo Paweena for the fantastic screenshots.
ArtRage Vitae Mobile Painting 1.1.5
Ambient Design Ltd.
Paint with oils and sketch with natural tools on a realisticvirtual canvas.